10by10 Challenge

According to statistics, the average American spends about $750 dollars on Christmas gifts each year. Why is it that we don't hesitate to buy gifts for our relatives but think twice before we give to those who really need it? To encourage you to give more this Christmas, Hope2Others invites you to be a part of the 10by10 Challenge.

What is 10by10?

It's pretty simple: give away 10 H2O bags by 2010. You can either make 10 bags yourself or visit the map on our website to see if there is an H2O location near you where you can buy bags.

If you're unable to hand out bags yourself but still want to be involved, connect with someone who wants to hand out bags but can't afford it and help support them. If you want to hand out bags but don't have money to buy or make them, talk with someone who can't give out bags but still wants to support the event. The two of you working together can both complete the 10by10 challenge.

Why do it?

1. To give hope to the homeless this holiday season. When more bags are given out, more homeless people find hope. It's easy to view Christmas as a time when family comes over, a tree lights up the living room, presents are opened, and everyone's happy. For homeless people, though, Christmas is just the opposite—lonely and cold. By taking on the 10by10 challenge, we can show homeless people that Jesus came into the world for them too.
2. To increase bag distribution. Think about this. If 100 people give out 10 H2O bags each, that means 1000 bags will be handed out in just this month. That's almost half of what was handed out this year combined!
3. To have fun! Finding 10 homeless people to give bags to might not be as simple as driving down the block and handing a bag out your window, but use your creativity, be purposeful, and have fun loving on the homeless people. Email lesliereavely@h2obags.com to tell us your stories of handing out your 10 bags.

How does it work?

First, create a MY10by10 account where you'll be able to keep track of your 10by10 challenge status, download fliers and banners, and more. Spread the word by passing out fliers, and putting the banners on your blog or website. Then make 10 H2O bags or get them from your local H2O chapter. Then pass out your bags!

I John 3:18 "Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

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