Better Things Ahead

She was wasting away. Cancer ate at her insides, as she struggled to hold onto her remaining life. Although the doctors did what they could to save her, it didn't help. After years of battling her disease, a new life was waiting for her at death's door.

Just before her death, she shared with her church the story of her diagnosis and disease. Through tears, she poured out her heart. She wanted more time. She wanted to see her kids get married, grand kids graduate. She wanted to be there for the holidays, to spend time with her family. But then she said something, which I've since pondered...

"Do you think when I go to heaven and see Jesus, that I'll look back over my life and say, 'I wish I could have lived ten more years? Even one more year?'"

Of course not! Jesus will be so satisfying, so glorious, that we'll wish we could have been with Him sooner.

C.S. Lewis asked a similar question. "Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind."

1 messages:

Joelle said...

Wow! now that is perspective, and it seems to me that she must really know Her God, and know where she is going. I want to be like that, to look at Heaven as better than the best things in the world. Thank you for sharing!