
I have found myself longing for heaven in a way I don't think I ever have before. The desire to see Jesus overwhelms me at times...

It was a month or two ago, that we heard the news. A dear friend of ours was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. Each day she grew weaker. Every update told us she was even sicker. But one thing never changed. Her joy in Jesus lit up her face like it always had... Earlier today, she fell into a coma.

Six months ago, a family of five rejoiced at the news that they were expecting their fourth child. Last week, the ultrasound showed that their baby had no heartbeat. Even in their flood of tears, it is still evident that Jesus is their anchor... Yesterday was their second day of labor. Labor without the joy of a healthy baby in the end.

I have experienced similar suffering before, but that doesn't mean it gets easier. Each time I hear news like this, it is still hard to understand. But, one thing I have found is that death, sorrow, and pain give me a deeper longing for my real Home. A longing for the place where tears are wiped away and the grave is overcome by victory in Jesus, where the presence of Jesus casts out fear and overwhelms us with joy and peace.

David Brainerd, a missionary to American Indians in the 1700s, wrote about his suffering in relation to eternity. "Such fatigues and hardship as these serve to wean me more from the earth; and, I trust, will make heaven the sweeter."

It's true. Suffering loosens our grip on the world and strengthens the longing and desire we have to be with Jesus...

"Oh, that I might not loiter on my heavenly journey!"

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