Glimpsing At Eternity

Standing on the stage at church this morning, I held a microphone in my hands and attempted to sing the words to "How Great Thou Art." When we reached the last verse, my lips trembled as I tried to sing.

"When Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation,
And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow, in humble adoration,
And then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"

As my heart sung the words, I looked out at the congregation. I saw towards the front of the room a beautiful mother worshiping her Comforter. Only months before, she gave her stillborn son back to Jesus. Her eyes were closed as she sang, and a gentle smile graced her face. Her whole body was moving to the music as if she were right then walking down the golden streets to meet her son. I imagine that images of radiant joy and glory were going through her mind as she sang. "What joy shall fill my heart!"

My eyes then met those of a small but strong widow. She smiled warmly in my direction, and I watched her as she didn't miss a beat but continued singing with such peace and confidence. A couple years ago, the love of her life was diagnosed with cancer. The strength of the little man rapidly faded, and he went to be with his Savior last year. Through the past several months, this widow's anchor has been her great Savior. As she sang this morning, I sensed the peace she felt from the promise in the hymn's words. "Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, and then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!"

These women worshiped with such passion and peace. Tears filled my eyes just from watching their hearts meet God's during the service. The last year for both of them has been one of great loss, but also of great gain. Just imagine what the simple word "heaven" means to them now. Both of them have nibbled from the banquet in eternity. Both have sipped from the glassy stream flowing from the throne of God. Both have squinted at even the smallest ray of God's magnificent glory. Just imagine having that in full!

I know from experience that it is easy to become angry at God for allowing bad things to happen to us. When my baby sister was born as a stillborn, I was five years old. I may have been young, but I knew what was happening. I cried myself to sleep at night saying, "I don't like God's decision! I don't like God's decision!" If I could go back to that year, I would change my reaction to "I trust God's decision." Because thirteen years later, I see that God's decision opened the window just a crack, so that I could peak into eternity.

I can only imagine what it will be like on that day "when Christ shall come, with shouts of acclamation,
and take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, and then proclaim: "My God, how great Thou art!""

1 messages:

Jodi Kruse said...

Your words were beautiful, your leading in worship was a joy beyond words for me. What wisdom, insight, and sensitivity you have in the Holy Spirit. You are absolutely correct in what you said in such profound words. I say Amen and amen! God is our joy, strength, comfort, hope, and when we are in communion with Him, especially during church and worship, we get to be taken in the heavenlies and taste of His eternal goodness and get an exciting glimpse of what we get to one day have for eternity. It is the time when I feel I get to be with my baby Christian and worship our great God together and feast at His banqueting table in one accord. I love you and again thank you for being used by God to lead His people into praise, worship, and communion with Him. It was the highlight of my week :)