It's All About Jesus

Dear Friends,

The chapel rang with blaring music and shook as Jr. Highers jumped and danced for Jesus. While I was on stage behind the keyboard, I watched a 12-year-old girl stretch her hand to heaven with eyes sealed shut. Another boy knelt to the ground as he sang. As I witnessed hearts unashamedly surrender themselves to Jesus, I choked back tears. Jr. highers, who usually are looked down upon for their immaturity, were getting it - what life is really all about.

Late on Saturday night, we had a session packed with acoustic songs, the Gospel message, and a convicting challenge for the believers. Soka, one of the speakers, encouraged the Christian teens to make their life all about Jesus. As he spoke, tears filled my eyes. "Philippians 1:21, 'For to me, to live is Christ...' Life is all about Jesus," he said. "We are all about Jesus! If we go to school and it isn't about Jesus, than we are doing something wrong. If we go to church every Sunday, but it isn't about Jesus, than something is wrong. If we sing these songs and it isn't about Jesus, than it's wrong. Everything is about Jesus!" He went on to tell a story, "In the beginning of the Bible, God created the world. On the sixth day, He knelt into the dirt to make man, knowing full well that later He would have to die for that dirt. Knowing that death awaited Him, He made us anyway." What Soka pointed out in His story struck me hard. A holy King died for dirt. Jesus bought us at a price far greater than what we're worth.

The students weren't the only ones challenged to make everything about Jesus. I was too. How is any of this life about us, when we are but dirt compared to God's majesty and holiness? And how can we respond in any other way but to give Him everything, when He has given everything to us? Jesus takes my breath away!

Last weekend was fantastic (as well as the camp after Christmas). Not only because of the snow, games, and fellowship, but because Jesus was there, convicting and saving the lost and challenging the believers to take the next step in their walk with God.

Remember, "If it's not about Jesus, you're doing something wrong."

Honored to serve Him,

3 messages:

Destiny said...

That's so true Leslie! 'It's all about Jesus!' No one could ever put it better!

Thanks for posting this, it sure is a good reminder to stop and look at our lives and see if we are glorify and making our lives all about Jesus!

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hey Leslie,
We missed you at the Clarion tourney!
Was this a retreat at Camp Jonah? It sounds like it was a real blessing to many; you're right - it's all about Jesus!

.shelli said...

It was quite a weekend wasn't it. God did lots of things in my heart too.

Lots of love, friend at home. We should go to coffee sometime. =]